
Microchipping allows lost pets to find their way home. Each animal gets a unique 15 digit microchip number which is recorded on a database along with your details. All veterinary hospitals, pounds and shelters have access to this database to maximise the chances of lost pets being reunited with their families. The use of the database is under strict guidelines, protecting your details and privacy.

Microchipping at Hurlstone Park Veterinary Hospital is a very safe procedure involving the insertion of a chip, approximately the size of a grain of rice, into the back of their neck. With a special scanner, a vet can identify a pet that has been brought into the clinic, and it can be rapidly reunited with its owner.

Once your animal is microchipped, it can take up to 2 weeks to appear on the database. Once it appears on the database, you can “Claim your pet.”

Making Sure Microchip Details Are Up To Date
Microchip details are no good if the phone number is disconnected or you’ve moved house! So each time you change your contact details, make sure you update them on the microchip register. See the Government website www.petregistry.nsw.gov.au for more information. You can click on the FAQ’s section.

If your pet is lost, they can’t phone home. However, if your pet is microchipped (and the details are up to date) then someone else might be able to phone home for them!

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(02) 9558 4181

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday - Sunday 9:30am - 12pm

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