We believe in the highest quality veterinary care for our patients. Regular dental checks are an important part of this. Just like in humans, tartar can build up around the teeth allowing bacteria to multiply and lead to inflammation and loosening of the teeth attachments.
Some teeth even need removal. We discuss dental care in our consultations and perform dental procedures under general anaesthetic. Our dental services include scaling and polishing of all the teeth and any extractions that may be required. We also stock a wide range of oral hygiene aids including special treats, gels, rinses, and toothpaste.
What does dentistry involve at Hurlstone Park Veterinary Hospital?
Cats and dogs in Hurlstone Park and surrounds can rest easy knowing that we have their dental health as a top priority! Hurlstone Park Veterinary Hospital have invested in a state of the art dental machine so we can give your pets the treatment they require.
We can’t ask your pet to “open wide” – so dogs and cats with dental disease need a general anaesthetic to allow us to assess their teeth and clean thoroughly under the gum line. Severely diseased teeth are potentially very painful so we usually remove them to prevent future problems. We assess your pet’s teeth in a consult, discuss with you what therapy is needed and organise a days hospitalisation for the dental procedure.
For a dental check, no appointment is necessary, we have open consulting times. Click here to view our consulting times.
Contact Us
(02) 9558 4181
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday - Sunday 9:30am - 12pm
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